Campfire Stories



A fight with nature to the death

I love to see nature fighting back.

She pushes and heaves and shakes off our man made clothes


and pokes her green fingers through holes and crevices.


A worthy opponent, she mimics our straight lines, in operation stealth


and blows her children into the tinniest cracks, to take back their inheritance.


This Commander in Chief exploits our weaknesses, she knows our materials are not built to last


and continually sends forward an army of green soldiers to fight on the front line.


She commands her allies, wind and rain, to set up camps ahead of her campaign, ready for soldiers to take hold.


We fight back with paint and sprays, but she finds a way


to creep into our camps and cover our wins.


It is a shame that we fight, we both seek the same things.


Light, nourishment, shelter.

13 thoughts on “Campfire Stories

  1. I love to read your stories, so clever Elaine! Minds work in beautiful ways and it’s cool to have a little insight into yours 😊


  2. This was such a lovely read, thank you for sharing. I loved the beautiful images, which accompanied your story! I’m very glad to have stumbled upon your work. As a fellow writer and hoarder of all manner of thoughts and creative ideas, the title of your blog immediately drew me in. It’s so nice to see others using this online forum for personal and creative expression. I look forward to reading more of your past and future posts. Keep the wonderful writing coming!



    1. Oh my goodness. I read this before I went to work today and it made my day. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I popped over to see you too and loved the Imperfect time piece. As you get older you realise there is no time like the present. So nice to read you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoy your stories, too! I just found your blog and love it–now I’m a new follower. Your nature story reminded me of some of the stories in my blog which are about nature coming alive. I’ll post the links in case you want to have a look:


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