

Under this category you will find stories about my life, past and present.

Basically the babble of a middle aged woman

We are busy, there is not always time to talk about more than life directions, we catch up, flick a text, send an e card, skype, maybe give a brief synopsis of our day at dinner if lucky.  The time we used for sitting and talking, recounting, passing on family history, sharing, is now used differently. campfire-pic That’s OK, we are ever moving forward, but I would like to try and say the things that matter to me now not posthumously.  I want to stop my children and say look at this it’s called a wire grip and it took me two days to work out how to open it, all you have to do is push here. I want to tell my mum that she is my hero through memories now not through tears later. I want to share my discoveries with friends now while it is relevant, admit to failure and weakness as a way for us all to grow a little more, and laugh, it is so very good to laugh deeply. My Facebook feed shows me that we are instinctively doing this but my small contribution is quite often squashed beneath the pure volume of comments and I feel rushed and lost in it all. I want to hear the stories that sit behind the life quotes and sayings posted over woodland scenes, the ones that make us nod or smile in agreement and recognition. I want to share the tricks that make life easier.  I want to leave my stories here in the quiet, waiting, ready to catch a lift with the next generation. I hope Campfire Articles can be a collection of memories, poems, stories, and pictures to be passed along for the simple pleasure of sharing.  I will make a start you are welcome to join me.

I like all sorts of writing – poems





and just plain sharing

Is anybody out there listening to me??